Sunday, April 4, 2010


I hid all the eggs last night and made them a bit harder than in previous years. Since the kids are older, I figure they should have to work for their goodies. I even hid their baskets! Dd and I decorated the real eggs yesterday with acrylic paint and they turned out so cute. I made one to look kind of like a 'humpty dumpty' and we did polka dots and swirls on the rest. I will try to get a picture posted.

We went ice skating yesterday and had a blast. Both hubby and I are sore, me from the workout, him from wiping out. He was in the process of spinning around to get a picture with his cell phone when he crashed. It was funny as he slid pretty far across the ice. He is feeling it this morning in his hip, where he took the brunt of the fall. FYI-Nick and I did not fall once!

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