This topic has bugged me for a long time and I am finally going to say something about it. Have you ever watched a show on TV or a movie where the bad guy turns out to be a crazy nutcase who just happens to do what they do because of something in the Bible? I recently watched CSI: NY and the movie Mist by Stephen King.
I don't want to ruin Mist for you if you have not seen it, but there is a woman in the movie who is regarded as crazy by the entire town. As the movie goes on she gets increasingly persistent that she is a messenger from God and starts spouting off things like retribution for sins and God's wrath coming down on the townpeople. She eventually advocates killing certain people to please her angry God.
(spoiler warning) CSI: NY has had a series of shows going for the past month or so in which a NY cabby is killing people and leaving markings on the back of their necks. The killer turns out to be a guy who is killing people because of Lev. 27: 29- "No person specially set apart for destruction may be bought back. Such a person must be put to death."
These are not the only shows in which this has occurred, but they happen to be the most recent and the ones that come readily to my mind. It is just disgusting to see Christianity run through the mud and given a bad "name". How many people watch these shows and agree with the "religious freak" portrayal? How many are turned away from a relationship with God because of things like this?
On a happier note, I was watching America's Got Talent last night and Donald Braswell said he was blessed to be where he was and believed it was God's will that he had made it this far in the competition. I am so glad to hear people give the glory to God and thank Him for His presence in their lives.
Game Night Snacks & Dinner Ideas
2 weeks ago
Yeah, that lady in The Mist was really getting on my nerves with those statements.
What about Flanders on the Simpsons, or how readily South Park portrays Christians as freaks? There are HUNDREDS of other examples.
Whould the Jewish community be silent if it were them?
Or Muslims?
Of course not.
So the real question is why do Christians put up with this?
It really bugs me to see Christians constantly being portrayed as freaks. They give the impression that all Christians are like that. I agree that if it was Jewish, Muslim, etc. there would be an outcry. If Christians stand up for their faith, however, they are put down as being Bible-thumpers.
We have been expected to give in on everything from saying Merry Christmas to our children not being allowed to pray before lunch in public schools.
When are we going to stand up and say enough is enough? I want the freedom to speak about my faith without the fear of being shut-down. People with other beliefs do not have to agree with me, but I should have the right to express my opinion. I will give others the right to voice their opinion and would like the same consideration given to me.
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