Monday, September 8, 2008

Green Hour Challenge

I came across the Green Hour Challenge while browsing around some of the TOG blogs. I have decided that we really need to get out and enjoy nature and have been looking around for quite some time to try to find ideas to get us moving.

The Green Hour Challenge is a weekly nature study using the Handbook of Nature Study (you can download it free from the Green Hour Challenge site). The author of this blog has broken down the Handbook of Nature Study into weekly bite-sized bits and gives out a new assignment each week. She starts out slow, with only 15-20 minutes being spent on the nature walk, but continues with follow-up assignments to do during the remaining part of the week to add to or focus on the topic. She has relieved a lot of the stress of nature study by breaking it up this way and it is nice to know that we can take it slow and don't have to be experts before heading outside. I don't want to feel pressured to spend entire days outside looking for or researching things I have no experience in.

If I can figure how to add the button to my sidebar I will get it added. Hopefully I will be able to blog soon about our nature study excursions.

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