Sunday, June 26, 2011

More School Planning

Ok, I'm probably going about this the wrong way, but I've decided to reorder all of TallBoy's schoolwork for the upcoming year. He only has one more year until he turns 18 and I can pretty much guarantee he will be moving out and not looking back. So, we have one year to work on maturity, responsibility, real-life living skills and whatever schoolwork I think he needs to survive in life. Oh, my!

For the past five years, he's done TOG with his sister and that took a huge weight off of my shoulders as far as planning went. When it came time for discussions, though, it was a nightmare. He simply does not care about doing the work or getting a decent grade or keeping my blood pressure in check.

For history I searched my shelves to see what I could come up with and found a ton of books and a DVD. Last year at some point I ordered (for FREE) America: The Story of Us, the 12-part DVD from the History Channel. I'm combining it with Joy Hakim's Freedom: A History of US and lesson plans from PBS. The PBS lesson plans coincide with a series they did on the book, but unfortunately their DVD is $200! I think I've spent four pretty solid days so far cutting and pasting text, questions and lesson activities into a Word document to use as a lesson plan. But, that covers roughly half the year, so I'm pretty happy. I have lesson plans starting with the Pilgrims and will eventually cover present-day. We should be able to accomplish this all in one year.

For science, I'm still debating. We have Physical Science (he's already attempted it twice) and Biology, both from Apologia. Physical Science bores him and Biology is over his head. I again headed to the internet to do some searching. I found some mapping lesson plans from USGS which will cover about 2-4 weeks. I haven't looked closely at them since printing them out to determine a time-frame. I was thinking, though, of ordering Nutrition 101: Choose Life. I can use this as science and health and was going to use it with HorseGirl next year anyway. It covers the brain and nervous system, digestion and elimination, respiration and olfactory, muscular and skeletal systems, cardiovascular and immune systems and the endocrine system and emotions. It has a ton of information in it, including recipes in each chapter to strengthen whichever system you've just studied.

I think it is very important for TallBoy to be knowledgeable about his body and how everything works. He has recently been putting nothing but junk into his body, sugared cereals, Toaster Strudels, cookies, ice cream, juice, soda, etc. I know, a lot of this is partly my fault for buying all of the junk, which is why I'm going to stop. My husband just gave me permission to stop buying all the sugared snacks. I've also been insisting TallBoy eat a fruit or vegetable as at least one of his snacks each day.

HorseGirl will be doing Latin in the Christian Trivium I next year, so I will have TallBoy do it as well. It won't hurt him to know the meanings of words and may actually benefit him at some point. If nothing else, it will serve to expand his vocabulary.

For math, well, that's something I haven't quite figured out yet. I bought VideoText Algebra for HorseGirl and was going to have him use it as well, but I think he may be better served by learning real-life math. He needs to know how to make and keep a budget, and how loans are structured and how to avoid being ripped off (ie. payday loans and Rent-A-Center). I'm sure there are other math skills he will need, such as measurements that we should cover. I posted a query on one of my Yahoo groups and got a couple of recommendations for curriculum. I don't want to spend a lot of money, though.

For writing, we will be using Paradigm Online Writing Assistant at the beginning of the year to work on writing in general and how to write different kinds of essays and then will start National Novel Writing Month. We will begin that in October in preparation for the actual writing in November. The goal is to write a 50,000 word novel in one month. There are lesson plans in the Educators section that go over character, plot, setting, etc.

For literature, I'm planning to use Teaching the Classics by IEW and will choose literature based on what we're studying in history. I have several classics and other good books already chosen based on the time period. Even though we're studying American history I plan to include authors from all over the world.


Mindy said...

Thank you for posting about your boy. I will be praying diligently over this year for him my dear friend. I can't imagine all the emotions and thoughts that you must be going through thinking about him getting ready to leave your nest! I know your road hasn't been easy, but I just want you to know that I think you are a GREAT momma! You are so dedicated!

ParadiceMom said...

Thanks! I appreciate all of the prayers. It's so hard trusting that you're doing the right thing.