Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Homeschool Memoirs #28

Last week's theme was Life Skills. This is one area in which I would truly like to be doing more. My 10dd has normal chores like dusting, kitchen duty, and yard clean-up. My children are each given a weekly allowance that is based on them completing their chores. Chores that are not done or done incorrectly do not get paid for. They still have to do them, they just don't get paid. I am not sure if this is actually working as my 14ds does not care enough about money to 'remember' his chores. 10dd also gets paid to help me with the baby.

We go through periods of time when one or both children start slacking off on thoroughness. A lot of this is due to dad and I not checking and verifying that the chore was done correctly or completely. I get so worn out having to come behind my children and check everything. It is my job as their mother, but I wish they would 'get it'. I guess we are all like that, though, sometimes. I don't like to admit it, but I also have a lazy streak. 'Research' on the internet, school or pleasure reading, playing with the baby, etc. can all pull me away from cleaning the bathroom or doing laundry (my two least favorite chores, next to mopping). 

I am preparing to start Keepers of the Faith with my dd and hope to do it in a group setting. I am hoping that a group setting will provide the accountability I need to keep up with things. I am the queen of starting projects and not finishing them. Everything sounds so interesting until we get into it, and then it becomes work! 

In the past I have had my children each prepare dinner one night per week. I think I will use this opportunity to begin that again. I would also like to bring my daughter beside me when I am baking so she can develop the skills to one day take care of her family. 

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