Monday, October 24, 2011

New Apron

I made myself a new apron this morning. I have an over-the-head full-size apron, but sometimes I want a shorter one. I already have one, but I think it's too pretty to use. I'm afraid to get it dirty for fear the washing machine will damage it.

I decided to use a kitchen hand towel that has some bleach spots on it and a ribbon we got with our quilt. I folded the top edge over about one-inch to hide another bleach spot. I then tucked a length of ribbon into each side and sewed right on the existing seam. Horse Girl suggested next time I thread the ribbon through the top and leave it loose and adjustable. That would have been much easier.

Cost of new apron = FREE

 I folded the bottom up about a third and sewed the edges. I made an oops in the beginning and accidentally sewed the top edge of the pocket. I was so proud of myself too, because I just followed one of the lines on the towel and made a nice straight line. Oh, well! 
I also sewed a line up the middle of the folded section to make two pockets.


vanilla143 said...

great job! love the price!

Mindy said...

Great idea! I wanna see it on ya!