Friday, October 7, 2011

Healthy Eating

I've been doing quite a lot of research the past few days on healthy eating. I've decided to avoid using a specific "plan" as outlined in any number of books, but rather to simply strive to go back to nature. God gave us food abundantly and in perfect form. He didn't create foods intending for us to alter them with chemicals. Our bodies are designed to live and thrive with the foods He gave us.

I've decided to take this whole lifestyle change gradually. I typically jump in too soon and then fail when it becomes overwhelming so I'm not doing that this time. I'm not going to stress myself out with everything I could be doing and all of the things I could be buying and making. One thing I'm going to do that I believe will help is to make a schedule for my time each week. It is going to vary each week, depending on outside appointments, so I need to plan each week as I get to it. I plan to schedule in things like starting my bread dough (which needs to sit overnight to soak), making and checking on yogurt, and possibly sprouting some grain.

I had fun at the commissary this morning trying to find new products. It was kind of frustrating at the same time, though, because I didn't find everything, which means I will have to shop at at least one additional store each week/month. Some of my finds include coconut flour, coconut oil, and cage-free chicken at a decent price. I also wrote down the price for a 3L jug of olive oil and found that it was cheaper than at World Market by $5.

Some websites to learn more:

Dinner menu for the week:
Tonight-Caribbean Jerk Chicken, sweet potato fries and green beans
Saturday-Spaghetti with homemade sauce and rolls
Sunday-Meatloaf, mashed potatoes
Monday-Tilapia, cornbread stuffing
Tuesday-Black-eyed pea soup, bread
Wednesday-Beef Noodle Soup, bread

Steel-cut oatmeal with apples
Cinnamon scones
Apple-Cinnamon muffins


Mindy said...

Sounds like a wise approach sweetie!

Mindy said...

Oh love your new blog skins too! :)